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執筆者の写真: RiteaRitea






具体的には、”ハートの奥にある、柔らかい心の存在に気づくこと” ができたのではないかと感じている。そしてこれこそ、vulnerabilityであったのではないか振り返る。





























今回のプログラムで出会えた ”柔らかい心”


who am I ?という問いに対し、この心に耳を傾け、他者とのつながる。 ”柔らかい心”の声が聞こえたとき、それがHeartfulnessな状態なのかもしれない。



The goal I presented at the last workshop before coming to the U.S.

"With an open mind, accept diverse cultures, values, and mindsets, interact with others through Arts, and encounter the new me.”

But what does it mean to encounter a new me? How can I become aware of the "existence of the new me” in the first place?

This was a goal that I had expressed in words but had never known, but now that I have finished this program, it seems to have become a reality in my mind.

Specifically, I feel that I was able to "become aware of the existence of a soft heart deep within my heart.”And this is what "vulnerability" was all about.

I was able to know that the "new me," which I could not imagine what it would look like, was something that was stuck in my heart.

This program not only made me aware of the existence of a soft heart but also created a tunnel entrance for that heart to come out a little more freely.

With an open mind, accept diverse cultures, values, and mindsets,

Stanford students are open about their backgrounds, worries, joys and pains, and what they are feeling and thinking without hiding. This is possible because they face themselves and sincerely accept their feelings and thoughts. To respond to this attitude, I made a conscious effort to keep an open mind.

However, this was difficult. Especially when I had to let out what was inside of me. It took a lot of courage to openly share my heart, not only because of the language barrier but also because of differences in culture and thinking, not knowing how it would be perceived.

I realized that there was a part of me that prevents me from letting out my inner self yet or thinking of myself from the inner side.

Then, non-verbal communication, which is the most important feature of this program, helped me.Catching a ball in a "circle," collage, theater work, etc., without only exchanging words. In the same space,

interacting with others through the Arts

gradually widened the path of my heart, which had been stiffened and narrowed.

The various forms of non-verbal communication gently reached close to my soft heart, delivered it, and then returned.

Two moments in this program made my heart warm.

The first was the theater work on the first day. When we connected with others through our foreheads and palms.

The second was during the theater work on the fourth day. When I expressed the team's theme, Integration, and connected with the team members and the audience.

It was not a mere transmission, but a moment when I felt the coming and going of something inside my heart and realized the connection with others.

At the same time, there were many moments when I felt the beauty of the Arts.

The moment Kokido sensei danced to music during the theater work on the first day

The collage lined up around the tree, surrounded by light and nature

The echoes and vibrations of the taiko drums remind me of the connection to the earth and our ancestors.

Theater work that harmonized rhythm, voice, and dance with the interactions with others

There was something that was conveyed not only through the mind, but also through the eyes, ears, nose, and even the skin.

It reached straight to the heart because the way is Arts. I cannot express the beautifulness in words. The impression left is still vivid in my mind.

Encountering the new me

The existence of a soft heart. It is soft, slightly warm, and like a sponge that absorbs everything. It may be fragile and uncontrollable. But deep down inside, it surely exists, usually surrounded and hidden. What is this mind? Only when I am mindful and in a state of peace of mind, it shows its face a little bit. But perhaps this is where my emotions come from, and it is the core of who I am.

On the last night.

Listen to your heart.

Follow your heart’s voice.

If you don't understand it, it's not time yet.

It's okay to face it slowly until you find it.

These words were told to me.

The "soft heart" I encountered in this program.

How to face this "soft heart" is what was presented to me after this program.

"Who am I?" Listen to my heart and connect with others. When I could hear the voice of my "soft heart," I may be in a state of Heartfulness.

Finally, I guess that I was able to learn these things because of the environment that allowed me to be mindful in the best possible way.

I would like to thank the professors and people involved in the management of this program, all the Keio and Stanford students who spent a short but intense time with me, the rich nature and campus of Stanford, and all the other people and things that were involved. Thank you very much.




Response to "Who am I ?"

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ワークショップ5日目 後半

2022.09.03 最終発表、その後の話 グループごとの劇の発表があった5日目。最後のグループの発表が終わった後、プログラムが終了したと思ったその瞬間、私たちは大きくて重い質問と向き合うことになりました。 自分とは違うバックグラウンドとアイデンティティを持つ他人と、どう接...

1 commentaire

16 oct. 2022




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